Sunday, December 9, 2007

Take me away

I leave for Costa Rica on Wednesday, and it hasn’t really hit me yet. Two weeks of hanging out with family and friends, a birthday party for the boys, and hopefully plenty of hanging out on the beach. Or at least near the beach, drinking beer and eating ceviche.

Right now I just want to go to sleep and wake up when I get there, for a few reasons. Packing and getting ready has taken a backseat to a big translation I’m working on. It’s going to come right down to the wire, and I’m beginning to think I’m going to have to finish up the editing when I get there, which I really don’t want to do. Plus, this is my first solo flight with the boys, and I’m more than a little nervous. P likes to lord it over me, since he flew solo with them the time I ditched him in the Midwest after a good job came up. But his was a two-hour flight, whereas mine is longer and includes a layover in my own personal Airport Hell. (Ah, Miami. The place I was once sent to meet two different groups of international visitors arriving within minutes of each other at different terminals. I tried, and missed them both.)

Add to that the nasty head cold I woke up with today, and I’m not looking forward to the next two days very much. But once I get there, I’ll be very, very happy. So even though it sounds like I am, I'm not complaining.

1 comment:

Snickollet said...

You leave on Wednesday!? Wow! Exciting. I totally understand the being excited about being there, but not about getting there. Hopefully the ceviche and the beach will make up for any travel hassles. Wait: hopefully you just won't have any travel hassles. Will P. join you there or is this just you and the boys?